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How We Deliver the Best Value Possible

We believe in giving you an honest price; being direct is how we accomplish that.

Why Do Other Essential Oil Companies Have High Prices?

Other companies have a HUGE line of people your essential oils pass through before it gets to you. That means each stop it makes adds additional time to the process. And you know what they say--time is money... Unfortunately for you, this higher price tag doesn't mean that the end product is necessarily any better or more pure; it just means that more people need to make a profit on their work.

Luckily, that same process takes place in entirety at one location for Simply Earth essential oils, allowing us to cut out all those middlemen and give you the best price possible.

Save Money With Simply Earth

When we were first on our journey to removing toxins and bad smells from our lives, we realized essential oils didn't have to cost as much as a lot of companies sell them at. Actually, when we bought quality, pure oils in large batches, they were fairly inexpensive--which was a huge surprise to us! So, we decided to let you in on the secret by providing amazing, 100% pure essential oils at low prices.

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